Thursday, December 29, 2005

Machine of many uses, Tucker Sno-Cat

The first Snow Motor Sleds produced by Tucker in the 1930s had a small market because snow covered areas were inaccessible except by snow shoe or skis. As the tucker models evolved from that first sled to the enclosed cab with rear tracks and skis on the front (first Tucker Sno-Cat) and then to the current trade mark design 4-track so the uses also evolved. The market has gone from snow survey and a little recreation to exploration, search and rescue, trail and slope grooming, survey, utility, military, research, private access, and many other uses brought about by the ability to move people over deep snow.
I have added a few pics of older models and a current one.

Dan Dressler
Tucker Sno-Cat Corp.

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sno-Cat and other over-snow vehicles

Just to set the record straight Tucker Sno-Cat Corporation of Medford, Oregon owns the trade mark for Sno-Cat, which was done in 1944. Other over-snow vehicle manufactures correctly refer to their vehicles as groomers, people carriers, ATVs, over-snow vehicles, ect., however most individuals incorrectly refer to all over-snow vehicles as snowcats (or snocats). Other examples of a using brand names as generic are Kleenex, Crescent Wrench, and Cat (as in anything with tracks and a blade that pushes dirt). While we are complimented that our name is used to describe any over-snow vehicle we also want to be differentiated from the other manufactures. As a side note we had to struggle with Caterpillar Corporation in establishing that 1944 copyright.
I will make an effort to post pictures of our different machines in different settings. Today's pic is a model 2000 Sno-Cat pulling an Idaho Special, it is grooming a snowmobile trail.

Dan Dressler
Tucker Sno-Cat Corporation